Humble beginnings

The rich history of Ancast goes from the humble beginnings on small scale productions and freelance media post-production around a decade ago in the northern creative hubs of Leeds and Manchester. Working with other like minded progressive individuals and their own businesses. It was the first and most vital experiences of working in dynamic creative teams for our mutual client work. Finding that their fields of expertise complemented others in surprising, and what turned out to be lasting ways. Technology was changing and so was the need for progression into broadcast.

Having made the move to London and gained invaluable experiences at the heart of TV channel operations in live sport it was only natural to set up a consultancy. With enough knowledge of the industry and a thirst for helping clients through change in their broadcast or creative companies, Ancast was incorporated. The motivation to make a consultancy thrive comes from the passion that drives it. With every assignment comes the devotion to it; and that you will see, that with the results garnered from it. Such is the focus and attention to detail it consistently stands out.

Ancast Limited became a limited company in 2013. Since then working with international brands such as Channel 4, ViaSat, Encompass Digital Media, Ericsson, Discovery, Arqiva, Turner APAC and WRN Broadcast. In 2017 expansion into public speaking, lecturing and authoring gave the consultancy an even better range of services. The lasting business relationships with other companies, contractors and consultants also bears testament to the strong network that has been built upon.


Get in contact

Ancast is open for talking through your requirements in the creative and broadcast media domains. That’s why a free consultation is offered to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.

Contact Details ▸


Ancast Certifications

• Amazon Web Services - Solutions Architect (Associate)
• BCS Certificate - Business Analysis & Commercial Awareness
• APMP - Project Manager & CSM (Certified Scrum Master)